Do you want to learn to dress better? Here are the best style tips and tricks to instantly & continually improve your style!
We all want to learn how to dress better. Even style queens and fashionistas. Personal style is like art: constantly evolving, much like the surrounding world. Ideas are shared, risks are taken, and new methods are learned. We tire of one thing and move on to the next. What looked good a few years ago now seems childish and ridiculous; but at the time, we really enjoyed it.
I’ve rounded up my favorite style tips for how to dress better each day. Let this be the guide you refer back to often, or when you’re ready to dig deeper into a specific styling method. Either way, this post is for anyone looking to dress more stylish. Follow this advice and you will see lasting results in your personal style and fashion journey for the rest of your life.
This post is all about how to dress better
How To Dress Better Woman
1. Take More Risks
The one thing I consistently hear from ladies who want to learn how to dress better is that they’re bored with their own style. I get it. This can happen with anything, especially when we’re operating like we’re on autopilot. Choosing the same old items from our closet day after day, our style often feels monotonous. The best way to change up your style is by taking risks.
Take risks by experimenting with the clothes and accessories already in your closet. Set aside an entire morning, afternoon, or evening to review your wardrobe. Pair different styles and colors together in a surprising way and see how it turns out. Capture your favorites on your phone. Think outside of the box.
Stop gravitating toward the same jeans and top and try something different. Find a new go-to casual uniform for off-duty days. See how many different outfits you can create with a blazer or a denim jacket. Are all of your accessories being utilized in your wardrobe rotation? How can you get more wear out of everything you own?
I’ve mentioned before on What Is She Wearing that some of my favorite outfit combinations were random ones I forced myself to try just because.
Related Post: How To Shop Your Closet The Right Way
2. Ditch Outdated Fashion Rules
I think most of us are familiar with some of these “fashion rules” from well-meaning family members or friends. Even if we know they’re silly and outdated, they still echo loudly in our heads come time for wardrobe change. Some of these so-called rules are centuries old, seriously.
Ladies, it’s time to let them go. Like *NSYNC: BYE, BYE, BYE. And good riddance. Clearly, I’m in an early 2000s mood right now…and I love it. Those outdated fashion rules though, not so much.
I’ve dedicated a whole blog post around some of the worst fashion advice I’ve ever heard if you’re interested in checking that out, too.
Related Post: Fashion Advice You Need To Ditch In 2023
3. Ditch Self-Made Fashion Rules
More so than the antiquated “you can’t wear white after Labor Day” rules, you should also ditch the self-made (or self-inflicted) fashion rules you’ve created for yourself, as well. You know, the ones echoing the false insecurities you have about yourself and your body image? We’ve all been victims of this unhealthy rhetoric, which robs us of joy and ultimately, blocks us from learning how to dress better.
One specific example I hear often when I’m out is that people will comment on another’s outfit, “I could never wear that.” Or, “that would never look good on me”. This always comes after a sincere compliment on the outfit. If this is something you constantly tell yourself, have you ever asked yourself why you think that? Could it be that there’s something false you believe about yourself, which is holding you back from your true self or style?
This one goes deep, but true fashion is so much more than superficial aesthetics. It’s about being true to ourselves and the more we find that truth, the better we learn how to dress fashionably. What’s on the inside feels safe being reflected on the outside–a balance is found. And balance is really important in style.
Related Post: My Formula for Everyday “Casual Chic”
4. Stick To Three Colors Or Less
If you want to learn how to look stylish everyday, keep your outfits to three colors or less. Three colors include shoes, accessories, and outerwear. Random shoes and accessories can downgrade an outfit, but when they blend into the aesthetic, they enhance the outfit.
Here are my different formulas for working with colors:
- Color 1 = Majority Color, Color 2 = Secondary Color, Color 3 = Accent Color
- Color 1 = Majority Color, Color 2 + 3 = Secondary Colors
- Color 1 = Majority Color, Color 2 = Minority Color
- Color 1 = Majority Color (with varying shades of the same hue for a monochromatic or tonal look)
- Multicolor Printed Piece, Choose one color from that piece for the rest of your outfit
Related Post: What To Wear With Navy Blue | 5 Gorgeous Color Pairings To Style With
There’s no rule that you shouldn’t wear more than 3 colors at a time. The method above will help train your eyes to pair complimentary colors together to create cohesive outfits. Once you’re versed and confident in your ability to style colors, you can expand your palette to more eclectic, multicolor outfits. You’ll never know if you don’t experiment.
5. Dress Like You’ll Be Photographed
Mindset has a lot to do with how to dress better. I always have a goal in mind when I’m getting dressed and it’s usually along the lines of “dress to impress”. I’m not dressing for anyone in particular, but pretending like I am helps me be more creative and try harder. Let’s face it, the whole “effortlessly chic style” that everyone wants begins with those six letters: effort. Put enough effort into practicing how to dress well as a lady, and soon it won’t be as difficult.
Related Post: How To Dress Nice Everyday: 7 Seriously-Good Tips
Play this game with me and pretend like you’re going to be photographed or recorded and you’ll think differently about what to wear. Another game you can play is never wearing the same outfit twice, whether the difference is as small as an earring or a scarf. This forces you to get creative, and in life’s tension some of our greatest breakthroughs are found.
6. Surround Yourself With Inspiration
One of the best fashion tips is to constantly surround yourself with style inspiration. Who inspires you to learn how to dress better? Find your muses and study their style. Follow them on social accounts or create a Pinterest board that you review daily. Use a stylish photo as the background on your phone’s locked screen. Watch TV series and movies with characters whose style makes your heart sing.
We become a product of our environment–what we see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. Make sure you’re tuning into others you admire for their taste, style, and personality. Unfollow anyone that doesn’t inspire or move you in a positive way.
Related Post: How To Find My Style In 5 Easy Steps
7. Stick To Your Shopping Budget
What does budget have to do with style? A lot, in my experience.
Without a fixed (and realistic) budget for spending on fashion, you’re prone to all sorts of impulse purchases. These impulse purchases are almost always clothes you don’t need or wear, or dare I say it, clothes that don’t even look good on you.
But, it was for an ugly sweater party? Come on, now. That $50 is better spent on a cute top or put towards a higher-priced item, like that luxury trench coat you’ve wanted for the past five years.
Wise spending leads to wise choices. A fixed budget (even if you have indispensable income) means you’ll spend more time focusing and searching for the perfect items for your wardrobe. And let me tell you–the joy of saving up and finally getting that amazing pair of leather boots is so much more rewarding than the late night purchase from an insomnia-induced IG feed.
This article was less of a quick-fix style tips post and more about refocusing your lifestyle around fashion and continually learning how to dress better. I know these style tips will help you cultivate the aesthetic of your dreams. They certainly have for me.
I’ve love to know where you are on your own personal style journey. Comment below.
This post was all about how to dress better
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